The body has an alarm or warning system for a disease. One of them is related to high blood sugar.
There are 3 areas that itchy and may be a sign of very high blood sugar. In addition, there are 4 other articles that interest readers from the Lifestyle channel on Friday.
1. Itching in these 3 areas is a sign of very high blood sugar.
Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by problems with insulin production.
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Losing a key glucose control mechanism, your blood sugar levels can rise to dangerous levels.
Fortunately, when you know you have this condition, you can target this increase in blood sugar with medication or diet and bring it down.
2. Apart from Islam, it turns out that these 3 religions forbid pork to be consumed.
Besides Islam, it turns out that there are several religions that forbid pork to be eaten.
Red meat itself is one of the foods that contain high nutrients in a balanced nutrition guide. In meat there is also a protein content that is needed by the body.
This red meat has various types that are selected as desired. Starting from goat, lamb, beef, buffalo, to pork. However, not everyone can eat pork.
3. Make High Cholesterol, Experts Warn To Avoid These 4 Foods.