Data released by the UK-based digital marketing agency said that the private jet of singer and celebrity Taylor Swift

produced the largest carbon emissions this year.

Yard, the agency’s name reveals, the singer’s plane has made 170 flights so far in 2022 with an average flight time of 80 minutes.

With a total flight of more than 380 hours,

the jet is estimated to consume 128 gallons of fuel per trip.

So that the total emissions produced reached 8,293 tons.

Swift’s own party responded to the news and said that the figure could be obtained because he regularly lends his private jet to others

Quoted from CNET, Friday (5/8/2022) to get these figures,

Yard said his party took data from Celebrity Jets which tracks private jet use around the world.

Yard then calculated the total possible CO2 emissions for each celebrity jet during the year.

Meanwhile the second position

contributor to carbon emissions

is occupied by boxer Floyd Mayweather

whose jet has a total flight time of 326 hours for an estimated CO2 emission of 7000 tons.

Taylor Swift Ranked First Celebrity Biggest Carbon Emitter