Why Supergirl Act 0f Killing Won’t Generate Controversy like Man of Steel

Discover why Supergirl’s controversial act of killing sets her apart from Man of Steel. Explore the ethical nuances and narrative context that differentiate her decision, providing insights into how it won’t elicit the same controversy. Delve into the complexities of superhero morality and witness the evolution of Supergirl’s character as she challenges traditional norms.

Why Supergirl’s Act of Killing Will Escape Controversy A la Man of Steel

The Flash by Andy Muschietti, which will be released next month, is called one of the best DC Extended Universe films, as well as the most violent. That’s evident from the trailer scene showing Kara Zor-El AKA Supergirl, attacking a number of guards who want to catch Superman’s cousin.

In 2013, when Superman (Henry Cavill) was introduced by Warner Bros. in Man of Steel, fans were divided in the controversy over the climax fight between Kal-El (Superman) and General Zod (Michael Shannon). In the final act of the film by genius director Zack Snyder, Superman is shown ending the life of Zod, an evil figure who also comes from his home planet, Krypton.

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With equal strength, throughout the film both of them were involved in a death battle in the sky of Metropolis, but Superman only made a decision after half of the city was destroyed and many victims fell. Superman kills Zod who was about to attack a frightened family with his heat vision.

Superman begs him to stop, but Zod insists, “No way!”, and Kal-El is forced to snap Zod’s neck. The scene remains one of the most divisive elements for Superman fans, with detractors insisting that Superman’s no-kill rule is inviolable. While other camps say that Superman has no other choice.

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Meanwhile in The Flash, in an alternate universe created by the actions of Speed Force Barry Alen, Batman shows Michael Keaton and two Barry Alen freeing Supergirl from prison.

Reported by Screen Rant, from the start it was clear that Supergirl was shown not to hesitate to take other people’s lives. Kara tosses the prison guards around like dolls, with one being thrown directly into the explosion and the other being catapulted far into the mountains.

Realistically, neither of the guards survived Supergirl’s wrath, and it was a more blatant act than Superman in Man of Steel, who only used his lethal powers when it was “too late”.

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While Supergirl in The Flash is leaning towards acting straight, this would avoid similar controversies of the past.
The fact that it takes place in an alternate reality, helps it escape the obligation of having to follow the mainstream continuity in the previous universe, or any potential criticism of it.

Supergirl herself also has far less big-screen history than Superman, which makes the concept of the no-kill rule less entrenched for her. Additionally, Kara has been a prisoner subjected to ill-treatment for so long, predisposing her to commit lethal violence against her captors.

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With all these factors in mind, Supergirl’s role in The Flash is unlikely to face the kind of controversy that Man of Steel would, especially with an apocalyptic story like Flashpoint as its basis.

Still, The Flash revisits the Man of Steel through an even more interesting alternate reality lens with Supergirl being more prone to kill than Superman. In doing so, The Flash mitigates the impact Man of Steel’s past has had on fans’ minds.

Parental influence

When judging, the principle of “No Kill” Superman comes from his childhood as Clark Kent. He was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent, Superman’s parents on Earth, a mild-mannered couple from the small community of Smallville.

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Clark’s deepest desire, is not that of someone granted unlimited power, not fame or money, but his ultimate goal is to make a difference in the world. Whether it’s rescuing students from a school bus that sank in a river, or even saving his father who eventually vanishes in a tornado (which he refuses to do because it’s forbidden), DCEU’s Clark is shown to have what can be described as an addiction to helping others.

Clark never wavered in this core belief, even though consequences often followed. Each time Clark’s abilities were used to help those in need during his childhood, the town of Smallville would isolate him further from his peers. This behavior from the community where he lives makes Jon and Martha worry that the world is not ready for Clark to reveal who Clark really is.

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They forbid Clark from using his powers, and act decisively whenever trouble arises. But he often went against his parents’ wishes and chose to save those in need. They did this not out of hatred for the world, but out of deep love for their child they wanted to protect.

According to Looper, moviegoers have come to accept that the villain dies at the end, whether it’s “Star Wars” or “Indiana Jones.” The same goes for superhero movies, except for comic book fans, who hate it when the bad guys get killed. . However, this depends on the properties of the two different media.

Comic books are serialized narratives that require recurring villains. Movies are more isolated affairs, even when they are part of a series.

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